Beyond Skin Medi Clinic

IPL Skin Rejuvenation

Our IPL skin rejuvenation services strategically address a number of the most common skin concerns with just a handful of treatments.


Acne Management

IPL acne management targets acne-prone skin to reduce acne bacteria, breakouts and inflammation for a clearer, more balanced and healthier looking complexion.

Vascular Therapy

Spider veins, broken capillaries, red spots and rosacea can all be reduced and removed to offer clients an even, more uniform complexion.


Pigmentation Correction

IPL pigmentation correction effectively fades and removes age spots, sun spots and discolouration to greatly improve overall skin tone, texture and radiance.

Photo Rejuvenation

Reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, smooth out irregularities and enhance your skin’s overall luminosity for a revitalised, youthful glow with IPL photo rejuvenation.

Treatment preparation

A sunscreen with SPF 30 or greater should be applied to
protect against UV damage, prevent sunburn and
prevent compromised skin barrier function.

  • Avoid the use of fake tan and gradual tanning creams
    in the area to be treated
  • Avoid tanning and incidental sun exposure, including
    tanning beds/booths (including between treatments).
    The area must be covered and protected from the
    sun for safe and effective treatment.
  • Avoid waxing, plucking, threading (or removing the
    hair from the follicle), using depilatory creams or
    undertaking electrolysis (including between
  • Avoid filler injections in the treatment area
  • Prepare the skin with suitable skincare. This will include
    a tyrosinase inhibitor for Fitzpatrick Skin
  • Types III+ and any skin prone to post-inflammatory
    hyperpigmentation (PIHP). Your treatment provider will
    advise you of your skincare recommendations.
  • Avoid prescription strength exfoliant creams on the
    treatment area.
  • Avoid antiwrinkle injections (Botox / Dysport) in the
    treatment area.
  • Avoid benzyl peroxide application on the treatment
  • If prone to cold sores, please speak to your
    pharmacist about a prophylactic course of antiviral
  • Avoid cosmeceutical Vitamin A, AHA’s & BHA’s, and
    Vitamin C application.
  • Please shave the treatment area thoroughly

What to Expect

Mild to moderate heat and discomfort is expected. Some
people equate the sensation to a “rubber band flicking” on the area. These sensations should always be tolerable.

  • A mild sunburn-like sensation
  • Itchy or dry skin.
  • Blanching or darkening of vascular lesions
    (IPL Vascular Only).
  • Darkening of pigmented lesions (IPL Pigment Only).
  • IPL pigment, the lesions will begin sloughing off and fading.
    It’s vital to avoid picking and exfoliating these lesions.
  • IPL Vascular lesions will also darken and begin to fade.
  • Abnormal responses: Extreme redness, swelling or heat.
  • Extreme sensitivity or blisters. Please contact your treatment provider immediately if you experience any of these responses.

Treatment Aftercare

  1. Use sunscreen with SPF 30 or greater should be applied.
  2. Avoid sun exposure to treated areas.
  1. Apply chilled aloe vera gel or post-laser gel up to 3 x a day.
  2. A cold compress every hour for five to ten minutes may be soothing to the skin.
  3. Do not apply ice directly to
    the skin. (Avoid IPL Photorejuvenation)
  4. Avoid exercise and activities that increase perspiration and body temperature.
  5. Avoid the use of pools, spas, and saunas.
  6. Avoid extremely hot showers and baths.
  7. Avoid the application of deodorant in the treatment area.
  1. Avoid the use of scented lotions or soaps.
  2. Avoid using cosmeceutical Vitamin A, AHA’s, BHA’s and Vitamin C.
  1. Avoid the use of prescription strength exfoliant creams (prescriptive vitamin A).
  2. Avoid antiwrinkle injections and filler injections in the treatment area.
  3. After two weeks, start gently exfoliating the treated area. This may include using a loofah, mitts, AHA & BHAbased lotions or retinol. Use of these products sooner will aggravate the skin and cause skin inflammation
    during the healing phase. (Avoid IPL Pigmentation: wait four weeks to exfoliate).


Contact your treatment provider if you notice any blisters, crusts or open areas. Allow these to heal
spontaneously. If healing is delayed, a thin coating of antibiotic ointment may be advised.

  1. Do not pick at these areas. Picking may result in infection or scarring.
  2. Your treatment provider will advise you when to schedule your next appointment, as different body areas require different treatment intervals. It is essential to adhere to this regime for the best results.
  3. Maintenance treatments will be required and will be ongoing.


Throughout your treatment course, it is essential to advise your treatment provider of any of the following as these will influence treatment safety and efficacy:


  • Sun exposure or fake tan application on the treatment area within the past four weeks.
  • Any new health conditions, or if you have been unwell.
  • Commencing any new medication (including short-term doses).
  • Changes to current medications or supplements.
  • If you are trying to become or become pregnant.